The Institute of Solomon Islands Accountants (ISIA) welcomes Parliament’s decision to pass the Tax Administration Act 2022 on 9 August as it enables reforms to ensure consistency and compliance in tax administration.

ISIA CEO, Pamela Naesol-Alamu said, “The tax administration reform will improve the quality and accuracy of tax returns, improve public revenue and establish equitable treatment of all taxpayers in Solomon Islands.”

ISIA also welcomes its responsibility to raise standards for national tax agents. ISIA is mandated by the Act, to establish clear baseline credentials for all tax agents. Ms Naesol-Alamu said, “The Act requires tax agents be practicing members of ISIA. This means ISIA will ensure registered tax agents are complying with the Accountants International Code of Ethics and Conduct as adopted by the Institute and are competent at preparing accurate tax returns.”

ISIA also congratulates the Minister of Finance and Treasury (MoFT) and the Inland Revenue Division (IRD) for establishing more rigorous requirements for tax agents to meet in order to be registered by the Commissioner.

Ms Naesol-Alamu said, “As a Professional Accountancy Organisation, ISIA is proud to partner with the Government of Australia and Institute of Public Accountants to better align with international standards and comply with its responsibilities prescribed under the Accountants Act 2010. This includes the development and piloting of a Professional Diploma in Accounting for 56 Solomon Islanders who are working in accounting and finance roles in both the public and private sector.”

ISIA also intends to use the Professional Diploma as the entry qualification for all certified book-keepers, and to subsequently develop an Technician Accountants membership cadre which will significantly expand the current class of “bookkeeper” to encompass members working for business houses, public service, and those who provide limited accountancy services to the public such as bookkeepers and tax agents.

In consultation with IRD, ISIA is upgrading its Professional Diploma in Accounting Program to include a taxation and law module, specifically tailored to Solomon Islands tax and company law legislation. This will be one of the compulsory requirements for members to successfully complete, before being certified and registered as practicing accountants.


For more information, please contact ISIA CEO, Ms. Pamela Naesol-Alamu, on email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A Women in Accounting workshop was successfully hosted by the Institute of Solomon Islands Accountants (ISIA) today at the Heritage Park Hotel and attended by professional accounting women in both the private and pubic sector.

The workshop theme: “Progressing and Supporting Professional Accounting Women in Decision-Making Positions” was conducted purposely to facilitate discussions with professional women in accounting and finance roles to gain insights into the challenges they face in their roles. Discussions also focused on the support that they believe will enhance their careers and leadership skills in the profession.

ISIA CEO, Pamela Naesol-Alamu, in her opening remarks thanked the Australian Government for their ongoing support to the Institute and specifically for the financial support in progressing this initiative which was launched in 2020. The ultimate goal of this initiative is to create a pool of highly competent qualified women accountants who can effectively contribute to high-level decision-making processes in senior management roles and board of director roles. “

Anecdotal evidence has shown that women representation in these high-level positions is very low, and our current membership data has indicated that very few women actually made it to CPA level, and this is something we would like to see more women achieve going forward”. The information collected from the workshop will aid ISIA to develop a more strategic approach to continue to support and develop women accountants further progress their careers

The ISIA Executive Council wishes to inform all ISIA members that our 2022 Annual General Meeting
will be held as follows:

  • DATE: 30th June 2022
  • VENUE: Heritage Park Hotel.
  • TIME: 6:00pm

Tentative Agenda as follows:

  • Opening Prayer
  • Quorum
  • Opening Remarks
  • Motions Put to the AGM for Resolution
  • Election of New Office Bearers
  • Handover to Incoming Council
  • Closing Prayer

The final program and all Meeting Papers will be circulated to members prior to the Meeting.

Please note that ONLY financial members will be allowed to vote during the AGM.

For further information please contact ISIA secretariat on phone 20131.

Institute of Solomon Islands Accountants in partnership with CPA Australia will be hosting Technical Workshops in June featuring two sessions:

FIRST WORKSHOP 26TH JUNE 2019: Advanced Financial Investigation and Forensic Accounting

This workshop aims to provide participants with the skills needed to assist organisations in the investigation of business crime, the prevention of business crime and in contributing to the successful delivery of a forensic case in legal proceedings. It will include a more detailed analysis of some of the topics covered in the earlier workshop (held in Sept 2018) and include new topics and cases for discussion.