ISIA key strategic priority areas include:

  1. Sustainability
    To ensure ISIA has appropriate legal, governance, infrastructure and management structures in place. This includes creating a funding model that ensure financial independence and sustainability.
  2. Relevance
    To ensure ISIA continues to provide services to benefit all members on an on-going basis. This includes promoting and supporting programs and initiatives that promote gender balance and inclusion, and effective participation in communities and country.
  3. Professionalism
    To ensure ISIA effectively and professionally played its role in relation to development of members, standards and the profession in the country.
  4. Member Value
    To provide an avenue and platform for ISIA to continue to support professional development of its members and the need to promote member’s relationship and contribution to the profession and country.

The Accountants Act 2010 governed the establishment of the Institute of Solomon Islands Accountants and has given clear mandates for the implementation and regulation of the profession to grow, develop, and improve the profession in Solomon Islands.

ISIA more recently in 2019 has approved its longer term goal to achieve IFAC accreditation by 2025.