CEO - Pamela Naesol Alamu

The Institute of Solomon Islands Accountants (ISIA) is proud to announce that its CEO, Ms Pamela Naesol-Alamu, has been honoured with the prestigious Best Accountancy Regulation CEO 2024 (Oceania) award by APAC Insider.

APAC Insider is a leading publication that plays host with many of the world's biggest businesses
and 2000 members globally, among them world-wide brands such as Toyota and Samsung. With over 160,000 readers, the magazine is quickly becoming the top choice for leaders, offering unmatched insights into business strategy, trends, and growth opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region. APAC Insider is dedicated to recognizing and awarding companies and individuals shaping the business landscape in this dynamic region.

Ms. Naesol-Alamu's outstanding leadership and dedication to the advancement of the accounting
profession in the Oceania region have been recognized by APAC Insider in its third APAC CEO of the Year Awards. Her relentless efforts in driving innovation, fostering excellence, and adapting to industry challenges have positioned her as a trailblazer in the field.

In response to this honour, Ms. Naesol-Alamu expressed her gratitude, stating, "I am truly humbled and honoured to receive this award, which came as a pleasant surprise. I am deeply passionate about my work and committed to elevating the standards of the accounting profession in the Solomon Islands. I firmly believe that the accounting profession plays a pivotal role in supporting sustainable economic development and nation-building, and I am privileged to contribute to this cause in my role as CEO of the Institute."

The selection process for the APAC Insider awards involves a thorough evaluation of nominees commitment, expertise, and innovation, supported by nomination information, voting data, and extensive research. Its merit-based approach enforces the stance that victors are not determined by the popularity of votes but by nominees, contributions.

ISIA President, Mr. Johnson Lobo, remarked, "It came as no surprise to us as Ms. Naesol-Alamu's commitment, determination, work ethics and sacrifice to ensure ISIA meets its strategic objectives speaks for itself. We are proud and fortunate to have her as CEO of the Institute. Despite a very
small workforce and limited financial resources we have achieved many things, which again is a testament to Pamela’s leadership”.

About the Institute of Solomon Islands Accountants:
The Institute of Solomon Islands Accountants (ISIA) is established by the Accountants Act 2010 to regulate the registration and conduct of accountants in the Solomon Islands. ISIA is committed to promoting excellence in the accounting profession, providing education, training, and advocacy to its members, fostering their professional growth and development.

For more information about the Institute of Solomon Islands Accountants and its initiatives, please visit


Thursday 11 April, Honiara - The Institute of Solomon Islands Accountants (ISIA) will be hosting its inaugural Accountants Congress this year on the 17th of September 2024.

The 2024 Accountants Congress will be hosted with the theme ‘Building for a Sustainable Future for Solomon Islands: The Role of the Accounting Profession in Nation-Building’.

The Accountants Congress is an event that Professional Accounting Organisations (PAOs) around the world host annually as a platform to facilitate discussions on relevant matters of national interest with the government, business communities, industry experts and the finance and accounting professionals.

ISIA, as the Solomon Islands national PAO mandated by the Accountants Act 2010 to develop and regulate the SI accounting profession, will be partnering with the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA Australia) and the Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) to host this high-profile national event.

ISIA Chief Executive Officer, Ms Pamela Naesol-Alamu said the intention of this Congress is to bring together business leaders, industry experts, government representatives, donors, and the accounting profession together to effectively dialogue and seek prospective collaborative solutions to support sustainable nation-building efforts for Solomon Islands.

“The overall objective of the Accountants Congress is to facilitate discussions between the private sector business community, industry experts, government and the accounting profession on relevant matters affecting the SI economy, business practices and the development of the local accounting profession,” she said.

The Congress will provide an opportunity for participants to listen to prominent international speakers and leaders in finance and the business community share ideas and views with accountants and debate current issues and trends affecting the profession, the business community, and the Solomon Islands economy.

The 2024 Accountants Congress is expected to have presentations from various sectors including from the accounting profession, Government, financial institutions, donor partners, private sector, and other professional bodies.

Overview of the topics for discussions includes the Solomon Islands economy, relevant business issues affecting local businesses, accounting issues both globally and nationally including ethics and good governance, change management and effective transformation and the key to achieving success.

ISIA Media



Wednesday 10 April, Honiara - The Institute of Solomon Islands Accountants’ (ISIA) key strategic areas of focus for the next two years are education and learning development, and capacity building of the Institute’s Secretariat to ensure operational sustainability for ISIA in the future.

New President of ISIA’s Council of members, Mr Johnson Lobo made these remarks during the Institute’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday 4th April at the Heritage Park Hotel in Honiara on behalf of outgoing President, Mr Peter Lokay.

Mr Lobo said the primary focus will be on making available in-country relevant high quality education programs and events aimed at enhancing accounting skills, competencies, and capabilities and also to raise the profile of the accounting profession locally.

“The overall intention is to build a pool of highly competent accounting professionals trained with internationally accredited education programs to deliver high quality financial and accounting services in both the private sector and public sector over the next five years.

“We believe that this approach should effectively contribute towards addressing the current gaps identified in the accounting skills shortages, particularly in the local industries,” he said.

Mr Lobo highlighted that continuous development of relevant high-quality accounting education programs at both the academic and professional levels will have a direct impact on raising the standards of technical and leadership skills and competencies of ISIA members.

“This, in turn, will directly impact on the quality of accounting and financial services our members can deliver to their employers and clients in the respective sectors they serve,” the ISIA President highlighted.

Mr Lobo added that the development and stabilization of the Secretariat’s capacity and capabilities is key to improving the quality of the services that ISIA can deliver to our members and stakeholders.

“Successful execution of implementing programs should effectively place ISIA in an ideal position to effectively deliver on its mandated roles and responsibilities as required under the Accountants Act 2010,” he said.

He said other areas that ISIA will be focusing on in the most immediate future include programs that aim to demonstrate the Institute’s commitment to promote inclusivity – by providing access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized such as women and those with physical or intellectual disabilities or belonging to other minority groups.

Meanwhile, the ISIA President call on members and stakeholders in both the private and public sectors to support the work that ISIA is currently doing in the country.

“The accounting profession has a significant role to play in nation-building in Solomon Islands. A strong accounting profession has many benefits that will lead to increased economic growth, and we need the support of all our stakeholders to continue to develop ISIA to be a fully functional professional accounting organization (PAO),” he said.

-ISIA Media 



PHOTO 1: The newly elected ISIA Council Members and CEO during the AGM on Thursday 4th April 2024.

New elected ISIA Council Members













PHOTO 2: New President of ISIA John Lobo addressing members at the AGM.

New ISIA President - Johnson Lobo
















PHOTO 3: Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ISIA, Pamela Naesol Alamu delivering the CEO’s report during the AGM.

CEO-Pamela Naesol
















PHOTO 4: ISIA members voting for their new Council members during the AGM.

For media enquiries contact ISIA on phone 20131 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Wednesday 10 April, Honiara - The Institute of Solomon Islands Accountants (ISIA) hosted its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday 4th April 2024 in Honiara with the election of Council members for the institute.

Nomination for executive positions within the Council were elected unopposed which saw Johnson Lobo as the new President, Delilah Homelo as Vice President, Roger Townshend as Treasurer and Loretta Tema as Secretary.

Amabelle Vitualla, Silas Vikea, Emmanuel Gela, Kevin Murray, Apollos Inasimae and Walter Maesugea were elected as Council Members.

The Council of the Institute is the governing body mandated under the Accountants Act 2010 to manage, direct, and oversee the operations of the Institute to ensure that the Institute effectively delivers on its mandated roles and responsibilities.

The ISIA Council has twelve (12) positions out of which ten (10) are voted in by members during the Institute’s AGM and two are co-opted positions which are allocated to the post-holders of the Accountant General and the Auditor General.

In delivering the Institute’s 2023  Annual Report, ISIA’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Ms Pamela Naesol Alamu highlighted that it has been a great year for ISIA which saw a positive shift in the Secretariat’s activities pushing them in the right direction of their vision for ISIA. 

“However, it is also important that we make mention of challenges we continue to face as well. As with every journey, there will always be triumphs and challenges along the way. Despite this, our team is committed to ensuring that we continue to deliver results for our members and stakeholders,” she said.

In her presentation, the CEO highlighted the key areas in which the Strategic Plan of the Institute is founded, initiatives undertaken to address the key objectives, future outlook for the Institute, achievements and the challenges faced.

Our vision remains the same and that is to see ISIA become a fully functional professional accounting organization (PAO) that meets international standards to achieve full accreditation/recognition with regional and international accounting standard setting organizations such as the Confederation of Asia Pacific Accountants (CAPA) and the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). 

“A strengthened accounting profession is critical for the sustainable development of Solomon Islands as this can significantly contribute to sustainable economic development/ growth and nation building. 

“Accounting is not only about numbers but more about the social contract that exists between the people and governments / governing bodies. Effective and accurate financial reporting and management are critical in delivering transparency and accountability in how effective and efficient resources entrusted to governing entities are managed. Therefore, public interest is at the core of the accounting profession,” ISIA CEO, Ms Alamu, said.

She also acknowledged everyone who have contributed towards supporting the work of the ISIA Secretariat.

“To the 2023 Council, our Members, our Partners (locally, regionally, and internationally) we highly appreciate your ongoing commitment and support to us.

“And to the Government of Australia – we are indebted to you for the financial support provided to ISIA over the past seven (7) years to build the capacity of the Secretariat and to develop relevant professional trainings to enhance professional development for our local accountants,” Ms Alamu acknowledged.

-ISIA Media 




PHOTO 1: The newly elected ISIA Council Members and CEO during the AGM on Thursday 4th April 2024.

Newly elected ISIA Council Members












PHOTO 2: New President of ISIA John Lobo addressing members at the AGM.

Johnson Lobo













PHOTO 3: Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ISIA, Pamela Naesol Alamu delivering the CEO’s report during the AGM.

CEO-Pamela Naesol Alamu














PHOTO 4: ISIA members voting for their new Council members during the AGM.

ISIA members voting during the AGM













For media enquiries contact ISIA on phone 20131 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.