Wednesday 10 April, Honiara - The Institute of Solomon Islands Accountants (ISIA) hosted its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday 4th April 2024 in Honiara with the election of Council members for the institute.
Nomination for executive positions within the Council were elected unopposed which saw Johnson Lobo as the new President, Delilah Homelo as Vice President, Roger Townshend as Treasurer and Loretta Tema as Secretary.
Amabelle Vitualla, Silas Vikea, Emmanuel Gela, Kevin Murray, Apollos Inasimae and Walter Maesugea were elected as Council Members.
The Council of the Institute is the governing body mandated under the Accountants Act 2010 to manage, direct, and oversee the operations of the Institute to ensure that the Institute effectively delivers on its mandated roles and responsibilities.
The ISIA Council has twelve (12) positions out of which ten (10) are voted in by members during the Institute’s AGM and two are co-opted positions which are allocated to the post-holders of the Accountant General and the Auditor General.
In delivering the Institute’s 2023 Annual Report, ISIA’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Ms Pamela Naesol Alamu highlighted that it has been a great year for ISIA which saw a positive shift in the Secretariat’s activities pushing them in the right direction of their vision for ISIA.
“However, it is also important that we make mention of challenges we continue to face as well. As with every journey, there will always be triumphs and challenges along the way. Despite this, our team is committed to ensuring that we continue to deliver results for our members and stakeholders,” she said.
In her presentation, the CEO highlighted the key areas in which the Strategic Plan of the Institute is founded, initiatives undertaken to address the key objectives, future outlook for the Institute, achievements and the challenges faced.
Our vision remains the same and that is to see ISIA become a fully functional professional accounting organization (PAO) that meets international standards to achieve full accreditation/recognition with regional and international accounting standard setting organizations such as the Confederation of Asia Pacific Accountants (CAPA) and the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).
“A strengthened accounting profession is critical for the sustainable development of Solomon Islands as this can significantly contribute to sustainable economic development/ growth and nation building.
“Accounting is not only about numbers but more about the social contract that exists between the people and governments / governing bodies. Effective and accurate financial reporting and management are critical in delivering transparency and accountability in how effective and efficient resources entrusted to governing entities are managed. Therefore, public interest is at the core of the accounting profession,” ISIA CEO, Ms Alamu, said.
She also acknowledged everyone who have contributed towards supporting the work of the ISIA Secretariat.
“To the 2023 Council, our Members, our Partners (locally, regionally, and internationally) we highly appreciate your ongoing commitment and support to us.
“And to the Government of Australia – we are indebted to you for the financial support provided to ISIA over the past seven (7) years to build the capacity of the Secretariat and to develop relevant professional trainings to enhance professional development for our local accountants,” Ms Alamu acknowledged.
-ISIA Media
PHOTO 1: The newly elected ISIA Council Members and CEO during the AGM on Thursday 4th April 2024.

PHOTO 2: New President of ISIA John Lobo addressing members at the AGM.

PHOTO 3: Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ISIA, Pamela Naesol Alamu delivering the CEO’s report during the AGM.

PHOTO 4: ISIA members voting for their new Council members during the AGM.

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